Tuesday, April 21, 2015

thoughts on Hong Kong

Hong Kong's a bit different than the mainland. I wasn't stared at even once, for one thing. Everyone I encountered had at least basic English, and the automatically decided to use English when talking to me, which was an interesting change.

HK also has better manners (sparing the guy who ran my hotel). Even towards one another. In Suzhou and Shanghai people like to get right up against the doors of the metro to get on/off. Even though there are signs and lines saying where they should queue up. Even though those doors are made of glass and they can see other people's noses just inches from their own. And everyone has to be first onto or off the bus here in Suzhou.

But in Hong Kong they seem to be more aware of everyone else. Or maybe they just care more. HK was a little more crowded, I think, than Suzhou or Shanghai. They even  line up on the right side of the escalators so that people in a rush can walk up the left. They don't smoke inside, they don't spit inside -or- outside, and they use turn signals with some regularity. They also don't let their children urinate or defecate on the sidewalks or in bus trashcans.

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