Friday, March 20, 2015

Take Me With You

Yesterday on the way to work I was nursing this head cold thing that I've got right now (don't worry about it, mom) and carrying my umbrella without any good reason - It had rained the three days before, I got caught out everytime with no way to cover myself... The day I decide to invest in an umbrella and bring it with me...
It was my first real experience with "Chinglish."
This guy spotted me on the street corner on my way to work and followed me in.
"Hello, hello. Hi" He said and I said hello to him. Pleasantries were exchanged.
He told me that he looked like a nice man. My facial expression must have been lost on him, because he kept going. He said "I go with you." Meaning, I thought, up to the EF offices - that maybe he had a kid enrolled there but wasn't sure exactly where it was or something along those lines. But in the elevator he kept trying to talk about things. He said 'America' several times and 'Obama' one or two. He said "blablabla nations" where blablabla is some Chinese word I don't know, but which I would later learn meant 'United'
He followed me into the EF offices, and said we must get someone to listen and speak for us.
When we got to the secretary desk she translated for him.
"He wants to know when you leave."
"Leave work? What for?"
"No, he wants to know when you leave China."
"In about ten months."
"This man, he says that... he must meet your Obama. That he is to have a meeting with him. He wants to know if you can get him to talk to Obama."
"He says he is a person from the United Nations, and that he must speak to Obama as soon as he can and he wants to know when you will go to America."
"Yeah, almost a year from now."
"He says he will wait."

And then this man was escorted from the building.

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